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Sea of possibilities

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What you can do with Ship O’Hoi

Rent a boat berth or guest berth at marinas. Or how about renting out your own boat berth when you're not using it?

Rent or rent out

Dock spot

Rent a boat or other watercraft, such as a jet ski or kayak. Maybe you have your own watercraft that's gathering dust?

Rent or rent out


Look at the map to see where the different rental objects are, where one can dock in various marinas, and at the same time, you can find your way to your own destination.

Navigate the


For boat owners, boating associations, and everyone else navigating on and around the sea.

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Marina O’Hoi

For marinas, a digital solution is needed to keep track of everything. Let us help your harbor streamline the rental of their guest spaces. The dashboard is connected to the Ship O'Hoi app, making it easy for consumers to book their guest space through the app.

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Benefits by using Ship O’Hoi

Security and safe payment

Ship O'Hoi's users should feel secure on the platform. The security steps that need to be taken, along with the safe payment solution, ensure the well-being of both the landlord and the tenant.

Short-term and long-term rentals

Ship O Hoi offers a user-friendly option for renting and leasing, both on a short and long-term basis

Membership benefits

Ship O'Hoi puts users at the center. Therefore, we offer season passes with significant membership benefits. Members receive, among other things, discounts with well-known players in the boat market and within the Ship O'Hoi app.

Weather conditions

Receive notifications in Ship O'Hoi when the weather conditions are perfect for a day at sea. In the app, you'll get the essential parameters when heading out onto the water.